Synopsis: Melbourne 1999: Ezra and Yonatan are best friends whose lives are forever changed when their school, the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Yahel Academy, is rocked by a scandal, and they are thrown onto divergent paths. Twenty […]

Synopsis: Melbourne 1999: Ezra and Yonatan are best friends whose lives are forever changed when their school, the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Yahel Academy, is rocked by a scandal, and they are thrown onto divergent paths. Twenty […]
Today we’re in conversation with the very gifted writer Ashley Goldberg for our ‘Behind the Book’ segment. Ashley is an Australian writer based in Melbourne. His fiction has appeared in New Australian Fiction 2021, Meanjin, […]
Synopsis: Countries, relationships, and temples form the destiny of this memoir about a woman who’s in search of her identity and is also struggling with blackmail. The total distance from Delhi to Melbourne is 10,213 […]
Synopsis: In the mind-bendingly upside-down world of Sadvertising, iPhones have feelings, brands come to life, creative directors disappear into parallel universes and lowly freelancers become immortal. It’s a world where gods, ghosts and muses stalk the […]
Today we’re in conversation with the very talented Ennis Cehic for our ‘Behind the Book’ segment. Since 2007, Ennis has been working in the advertising industry as a copywriter, brand strategist and creative director. Ennis’s […]
It’s a great pleasure to chat with the fantastic Felicity Lewis for her latest release- Explain That. Felicity is a national explainer editor at The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. She has commissioned the pieces […]
It is wonderful to have the Malaysian-Australian poet and author Omar Musa for our ‘Behind the Book’ segment. Omar has released three poetry books, four hip-hop records, written an acclaimed one-man play (Since Ali Died), and […]
It is a great pleasure to have Michael Grose for our ‘Behind the Book’ segment. For the unknown, Mr. Grose is one of Australia’s leading parenting and educational writers and speakers. He is the author […]
It is a great pleasure to have Kasey Edwards and Dr Christopher Scanlon for our ‘Behind the Book’ segment. For the unknown, Kasey Edwards and Dr Christopher Scanlon are a husband-and-wife team who’ve written several books, including […]
“When you raise a girl who likes herself, everything else follows!” One of my favourite pastimes is crossing by the bookstores to ensure I am thoroughly updated with the new releases. And it was one […]
It is a great pleasure to have Anna George author of Tipping for our ‘Behind the Book’ segment. For the unknown, Anna has worked in the legal world as well as the film and television […]
Tipping is a well-suited and well-timed book for everyone. It subtly deals with the issues of today and leaves room for an open discussion towards the realities of life and the essential change that is […]
I had been following Yumiko Kadota on social media for quite some time, so I was keen to read her memoir once it was out. After chasing her passion and love for medicine, Yumiko had […]